Top Tips From School Leaders for a More Productive 2020

Person writing new years resolutions on a page in a notebook

It’s early February. How are your New Year’s resolutions faring?

We asked a few independent school leaders about their work resolution for 2020 to be more productive and strategic in moving their school forward. (Sorry, but we can’t help you get to the gym.)

Cami Colarossi, APR, Director of Communications, Notre Dame Preparatory School:

“One resolution I have is to keep my desk in order. I am notoriously bad at piling papers up on my desk and not keeping them in appropriate files. So far, so good! I have organized everything and do not leave for the day unless my workspace is clear. It is a wonderful to start the day feeling you have enough space to do your work.”

Brendan J. Schneider, Director of Advancement, Sewickley Academy

“I really only have one resolution for the New Year and that is to unfailingly take time to view and analyze our communications and marketing analytics. While we do check our analytics, it’s been a constant struggle to do it consistently! We seem to always be putting out fires or jumping to the next deadline, but 2020 is the year that I’m going to schedule a weekly and monthly time to review our analytics.”

A. Randol Benedict, M.S. Ed., Director of Enrollment Management, The Agnes Irwin School:

“I do a reset/refresh with my team each January about how I will support them in my role. Here’s what I shared this year in my first team meeting of 2020:

Strong leaders:

  • Listen to what others have to say and ask others, “What do you think?” “What did we learn and how can we improve this next time?”
  • Say to their team and those who assist their team: “Thank you, You’ve done a great job, I value your contribution,”
  • And take ownership when things have gone wrong no matter what or how it happened on the team.”

Sean Ramsden, Editor, The Lawrentian, Communication Department, The Lawrenceville School:

“One thing I plan to do in 2020 is to make better and more frequent use of infographics to illustrate our stories. I always aim to be an advocate for the reader, and I believe that they are better served being able to learn something at a glance before they commit to reading the entire piece.”


“Every study shows that no one wants to read donor profiles, and we don’t do them in The Lawrentian. However, I began this year on the hunt for stories about students whose lives were transformed by the generosity of those who give. That framing helps the reader understand the manifest effect of the gift on students much more effectively.”

Need help with your marketing and enrollment management resolutions? Contact us. LINK

Here’s to a new year of new habits!

President’s Notes
Jonathan Oleisky

Jonathan Oleisky

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