Gerri Baum, Digital & Social Lead, Kalix Marketing Group | October 19, 2018 7 Tips That Will Help Your School Master Instagram Blog, Instagram, Marketing, Media, Social Media
Gerri Baum, Digital & Social Lead, Kalix Marketing Group | September 17, 2018 Why You Need to Create a Facebook Group for Your School Blog, Digital Marketing, Engagement, Facebook, Social Media, Uncategorized
Gerri Baum, Digital & Social Lead, Kalix Marketing Group | August 20, 2018 How to Master Video on Facebook Blog, Digital Marketing, Facebook, Uncategorized, Video Engagement
Gerri Baum, Digital & Social Lead, Kalix Marketing Group | July 11, 2018 6 Social Media Trends for 2018 Schools Should Know Blog, Digital Marketing, Facebook, Social Media, Twitter, Video Engagement
Gerri Baum, Digital & Social Lead, Kalix Marketing Group | June 22, 2018 How to Create an Ambassador Program for Your School Admissions Marketing, Blog, Branding, Engagement, Marketing, Marketing Strategy, Social Media
Gerri Baum, Digital & Social Lead, Kalix Marketing Group | February 20, 2018 6 Important Facebook Page Metrics to Track for Success Blog, Digital Marketing, Facebook, Social Media
Gerri Baum, Digital & Social Lead, Kalix Marketing Group | January 18, 2018 What Facebook’s News Feed Changes May Mean for Your School’s Facebook Page Blog, Facebook, Social Media
Gerri Baum, Digital & Social Lead, Kalix Marketing Group | December 14, 2017 Top Social Media Trends for 2018 Blog, Digital Marketing, Social Media, Uncategorized
Gerri Baum, Digital & Social Lead, Kalix Marketing Group | October 23, 2017 Why Your Admissions Advertising Should Have a Strategic, Year-Round Presence Blog, Digital Marketing, Facebook, Google
Gerri Baum, Digital & Social Lead, Kalix Marketing Group | September 5, 2017 The Power of Video Blog, Digital Marketing, Marketing, Media, Social Media